Here at Robson Handling Technology USA, Baggage Tracking is a critical component of the performance of our baggage handling system.

We understand the complexities of successful baggage handling operations, which typically takes three forms: 

  • Security tracking   
  • Destination tracking   
  • Compliance to IATA Resolution 753   

It is a regulatory requirement that prior to loading onto an aircraft all hold bags prior are subjected to security screening in accordance with all the latest International Standards.

IATA Resolution 753  
According to International Air Transportation Association Resolution 753, all airlines must track baggage at four key points in the baggage journey: 
 Passenger handover to airline 
Loading to the aircraft  
Deliver to the transfer area  
Return to the passenger  
Security & Destination Tracking
Security & Destination Tracking

When it comes to security, baggage tracking ensures the screening image is correctly associated to the actual bag, therefore allowing the security status of the bag to be confirmed as clear prior to loading. Rejected bags are then re-routed and tracked for further scrutiny. 

Baggage Tracking in the context of the destination ensures that individual bags are routed within the system to the correct location, either for further sortation or loading to the correct aircraft.   

All baggage tracking products at Robson Handling Technology US are IATA Resolution 753 compliant.